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Home > Articles > Steel mill related news > Echeng Iron and Steel Successfully Developed TMCP High-strength Weather-resistant Bridge Steel Plate Q500qENH

Echeng Iron and Steel Successfully Developed TMCP High-strength Weather-resistant Bridge Steel Plate Q500qENH

2024-09-02 00:00:00.0 From: BAOWU
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Recently, the TMCP high-strength weather-resistant bridge steel plate Q500qENH developed for the first time by Zhongnan Iron and Steel Echeng Iron and Steel completed the inspection, and its performance, plate shape, and surface quality all meet the standard requirements.

Under the policy requirements of steel production, Echeng Iron and Steel has increased the adjustment of product structure, continuously improved the research and development and manufacturing capabilities of thick plates, actively promoted the high-endization of products, and strived to achieve differentiated quality and efficiency. After successfully developing and completing the production and delivery of 80mm ultra-thick Q420qENH weather-resistant bridge steel, Echeng Iron and Steel concentrated its technical strength to strengthen the development of varieties in the field of higher-grade weather-resistant bridge steel and achieved full coverage of high-end weather-resistant bridge steel varieties.

Weather-resistant bridge steel is also called atmospheric corrosion-resistant steel. Q500qENH is the highest-level weather-resistant bridge steel currently produced and supplied in China. Its corrosion resistance is 2-8 times that of ordinary bridge steel. Because it combines the excellent strength, flexibility, welding, and formability of high-performance bridge steel and the good corrosion resistance of weathering steel, and its advantages become more obvious as the service time increases, it is very suitable for use in places where maintenance is difficult or construction is dangerous.

Q500qENH needs to meet the iron standard yield strength ratio ≤ 0.86, the process window is narrow, and its plate shape and performance uniformity are difficult to control. To this end, Echeng Steel has established a bridge steel research team for the wide and thick plate product value creation team and cooperated with the Baowu Central Research Institute Thick Plate Institute to discuss and form a test plan, track the development process, and achieve the flatness and uniform temperature of the 20mm steel plate under the ultra-fast cooling process, ensuring that each process point before, during and after production is precisely controlled.

After inspection, the steel plate passed the first-level flaw detection, the performance met the standard requirements, and the yield strength ratio met the criteria. The steel plate has excellent internal quality, surface quality, and flatness capabilities. The successful development of the high-strength weathering bridge steel plate Q500qENH has laid a solid foundation for the later stable supply.

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