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Hard Steel Wire

Hard wire wire rod, referred to as hard wire, refers to high-quality carbon steel wire rod with high carbon content, mainly used for the production of carbon structural steel wire, bead wire, steel wire rope, spring, steel core aluminum stranded wire, prestressed steel wire and steel nails etc.

Hard wires are generally also called BV wires, which are simple in structure and single-core electrical conductors, so they are much harder than RV and BVR cables.

Hard wires are widely used in home decoration. Compared with soft wires, they are low in price, strong in tensile strength, very good in corrosion resistance, and high in utilization. Therefore, they are commonly used in buried walls and ground as key applications.

Hard steel wire is a strong and durable wire material suitable for applications that require frequent movement or prolonged use. It is similar in structure to a wire, but without the flexibility of a wire. The main advantage of hard steel wire is its durability, it is not prone to wear and fatigue, able to withstand high loads and high temperature conditions.

The main uses of hard steel wire are as follows:

(1) Power transmission: Copper core hard steel wires are widely used in power transmission in household and commercial occasions, including in electrical armor, hollow insulation and optoelectronic materials.

(2) Data transmission: Hard steel wires can be used to transmit network data, telephone signals, audio and video signals, the most common of which are network cables, telephone cables, audio cables and video cables.

(3) Vehicle software and power-related applications: Cables and harnesses inside cars, trucks, trains, and airplanes often use hard steel wires.

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