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Home > Articles > Steel mill related news > BAOGANG Obtains Rail Orders for Railway Projects in Uzbekistan

BAOGANG Obtains Rail Orders for Railway Projects in Uzbekistan

2024-08-29 00:00:00.0 From: BAOGANG
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On August 21, 20 groups of 40 carriages fully loaded with 25-meter rail products set off smoothly under the traction of locomotives. This is the first batch of products issued by China's first rail order for Uzbekistan, and it is also the first shipment organized by BAOGANG Co., Ltd. under the new "25-meter Rail Loading Plan". This move lays a solid foundation for the "BAOGANG Brand" to further expand overseas markets.

In recent years, BAOGANG has deeply responded to the "Belt and Road" initiative, continuously adjusted its marketing methods, actively integrated into the new development pattern, strengthened foreign cooperation, and repeatedly supplied pipeline steel, seamless steel pipes, rails, and other products to Central Asia. Starting in 2022, the International Trade Company made accurate judgments and targeted the rail market in Uzbekistan, a Central Asian country, to implement research and development. BAOGANG completed dozens of business docking negotiations and product certification inspections within two years, established customer trust, and finally successfully won the first rail order from China to Uzbekistan in July this year. 130,000 tons of BAOGANG's 25-meter rail products will be used in the country's railway maintenance projects.

To ensure the smooth delivery of the contracted products, the International Trade Company and BAOGANG's Manufacturing Department, Technology Center, Rail and Beam Factory, Transportation Department, and other units analyzed the technical agreements and technical conditions. BAOGANG strives to do a good job in "pre-sales" technical indicator confirmation, cargo production and processing cycle arrangement, loading plan formulation and other work; "sales" arranges professionals to guard each production link and process, strictly manages quality, cooperates with customers to enter the factory for supervision, and provides guarantees with high-level equipment capabilities, quality control and logistics organization levels; for the "after-sales" stage, formulates customer visits and technical service plans to meet customers' related needs for product use guidance.

To ensure smooth delivery, BAOGANG has formulated a unique loading plan. The reason is that this contract specification product is shipped by rail for the first time, its appearance size is wider and the weight per meter is larger. Secondly, the railway gauge in the customer's country is different from that in China. To ensure the smooth shipment and timely delivery of the product, BAOGANG's exclusive loading plan was approved. It is worth mentioning that the static load, impact, and braking tests of the rails required to formulate the loading plan for this product were all completed in the BAOGANG plant. This is the first time that BAOGANG has independently carried out rail loading tests, providing transportation support for various products to enhance their market competitiveness.

In the future, BAOGANG will continue to expand the scope of product structure adjustment, continue to focus on high-precision and high-value-added products, expand domestic and foreign markets, promote the deepening of corporate reforms, and achieve high-quality development.

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