Short news about prices, stocks, news on the Chinese steel market
Today's news of China's steel market
15/05 07:32
Weathering Steel Plate, size: 6, grade: 09CuPCrNi-A(JIS G3125 SPA-H), brand: BAOSTEEL. Shanghai - Caoan reduction by --74.52 tons
15/05 07:32
Weathering Steel Plate, size: 4, grade: 09CuPCrNi-A(JIS G3125 SPA-H), brand: BAOSTEEL. Shanghai - Caoan reduction by --47.16 tons
15/05 07:32
Weathering Steel Plate, size: 2, grade: 09CuPCrNi-A(JIS G3125 SPA-H), brand: BAOSTEEL. Shanghai - Caoan reduction by --38.26 tons
15/05 07:31
Weathering Steel Plate, size: 10, grade: Q450NQR1(ASTM A242), brand: BAOSTEEL. Shanghai - Caoan reduction by --80.01 tons
15/05 07:30
Weathering Steel Plate, size: 4, grade: Q450NQR1(ASTM A242), brand: BAOSTEEL. Shanghai - Caoan reduction by --117.39 tons
15/05 07:30
Weathering Steel Plate, size: 6, grade: SPA-H(JIS G3125 SPA-H), brand: WUGANG. Shanghai - Caoan reduction by --50.04 tons
15/05 07:30
Weathering Steel Plate, size: 4, grade: SPA-H(JIS G3125 SPA-H), brand: WUGANG. Shanghai - Caoan reduction by --35.10 tons
15/05 07:29
Weathering Steel Plate, size: 3, grade: SPA-H(JIS G3125 SPA-H), brand: WUGANG. Shanghai - Caoan reduction by --51.21 tons
15/05 07:28
Hot Rolled Patterned Coil, size: 4.75*1250*C, grade: H-Q235B(ASTM A36), brand: LAIGANG. Tianjin - Gangrui reduction by --86.01 tons
15/05 07:28
Hot Rolled Patterned Coil, size: 3.75*1250*C, grade: H-Q235B(ASTM A36), brand: LAIGANG. Tianjin - Gangrui reduction by --141.58 tons