Short news about prices, stocks, news on the Chinese steel market
Today's news of China's steel market
19/08 09:19
Prepainted Steel Coil, size: 0.6*1000*C, grade: TDC51D+Z(ASTM A755/A755M), brand: BAOSTEEL. Shanghai - Caoan reduction by --20.25 tons
19/08 09:19
Prepainted Steel Coil, size: 0.5*1000*C, grade: TDC51D+Z(ASTM A755/A755M), brand: BAOSTEEL. Shanghai - Caoan reduction by --28.54 tons
19/08 09:18
Galvanized Steel Sheet & Coil, size: 1.2*1250*C, grade: DC51D+Z(ASTM A653M CS), brand: BAOSTEEL. Shanghai - Caoan reduction by --56.26 tons
19/08 09:18
Galvanized Steel Sheet & Coil, size: 0.8*1250*C, grade: DC51D+Z(ASTM A653M CS), brand: BAOSTEEL. Shanghai - Caoan reduction by --51.52 tons
19/08 09:18
Galvanized Steel Sheet & Coil, size: 0.5*1000*C, grade: SGCC(ASTM A653M CS), brand: Common. Qingdao - Chengyang reduction by --55.60 tons
19/08 00:00
The World's Highest-strength Lightweight Wheel Steel Produced by TISCO has been Launched Globally for the First Time and Used for the First Time
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16/08 17:11
On August 16, the price of spiral welded pipe in Cangzhou showed a slight downward trend. Q235B (ASTM A36) Jinghua 426*8mm 511.97, down 6.98. (USD/ton)
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16/08 17:09
On August 16, the price of the steel sheet pile in Tangshan fell. SY390 (ASTM A572 Grade 55) Jinxi 400*100*10.5 (U-shaped, hot rolled) 578.93, down 6.98. (USD/ton)
16/08 17:04
On August 16, the price of the bearing steel round bar in Liaocheng fell slightly. GCr15 (AISI 52100) Jiyuan Φ76-130 (hot-rolled) 598.46, down 6.98. (USD/ton)
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16/08 17:03
On August 16, the price of the 300 series hot-rolled stainless steel coil in Wuxi fell slightly. 316L/NO.1 TISCO 4.0*1520*C (mill edge) 3459.60, down 27.90. (USD/ton)