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Today's news of China's steel market
05/08 08:40
< Angle Steel, size: 90*90*8, grade: Q235B(ASTM A36), brand: ZHENGFENG. Tangshan - Lunan reduction by --14.50 tons
05/08 08:39
< Angle Steel, size: 40*40*4, grade: Q235B(ASTM A36), brand: ZHENGFENG. Tangshan - Lunan reduction by --40.50 tons
05/08 08:39
< Angle Steel, size: 30*30*3, grade: Q235B(ASTM A36), brand: ZHENGFENG. Tangshan - Lunan increased by 17.91 tons
05/08 08:37
< Channel Steel, size: 30#(300*85*7.5), grade: Q235B(ASTM A36), brand: DIANLI. Tangshan - Lunan increased by 56.43 tons
05/08 08:37
< Channel Steel, size: 28#(280*82*7.5), grade: Q235B(ASTM A36), brand: DIANLI. Tangshan - Lunan increased by 26.73 tons
05/08 08:32
< Channel Steel, size: 25#(250*78*7.0), grade: Q235B(ASTM A36), brand: DIANLI. Tangshan - Lunan reduction by --67.32 tons
05/08 08:32
< Channel Steel, size: 20#(200*73*7.0), grade: Q235B(ASTM A36), brand: DIANLI. Tangshan - Lunan reduction by --75.22 tons
05/08 00:00
< Baosteel Products Help the Construction of Natural Gas Pipelines in the Middle East Read More
02/08 16:54
< On August 2, the price of hot rolled steel coil in Shenyang showed a slight upward trend. Q235B (ASTM A36) Benxi Steel 2.0*1250*C 485.41, up 5.52. (USD/ton) Read More
02/08 16:51
< On August 2, the price of prepared steel coil in Hangzhou remained stable. TDX51D+Z (ASTM A755/A755M) Masteel 0.5*1000*C (sea blue; 2/1) 786.03. (USD/ton)
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