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Today's news of China's steel market
02/09 07:39
< Low Alloy High Strength Plate, size: 40, grade: Q460C(S460NL), brand: RIGANG. Qingdao - Chengyang reduction by --28.08 tons
02/09 07:38
< Wear Resistant Steel Plate, size: 12, grade: NM400(AR400), brand: NANGANG. Shanghai - Caoan reduction by --29.63 tons
02/09 07:36
< Wear Resistant Steel Plate, size: 10, grade: NM400(AR400), brand: NANGANG. Shanghai - Caoan reduction by --27.72 tons
02/09 07:36
< Wear Resistant Steel Plate, size: 8, grade: NM400(AR400), brand: NANGANG. Shanghai - Caoan reduction by --23.01 tons
02/09 07:36
< Wear Resistant Steel Plate, size: 12, grade: NM500(AR500), brand: NANGANG. Shanghai - Caoan reduction by --37.00 tons
02/09 07:35
< Wear Resistant Steel Plate, size: 10, grade: NM500(AR500), brand: NANGANG. Shanghai - Caoan reduction by --47.34 tons
02/09 07:35
< Wear Resistant Steel Plate, size: 8, grade: NM500(AR500), brand: NANGANG. Shanghai - Caoan reduction by --22.31 tons
02/09 00:00
< Echeng Iron and Steel Successfully Developed TMCP High-strength Weather-resistant Bridge Steel Plate Q500qENH Read More
30/08 17:19
< On August 30, the price of the galvanized steel strip in Tangshan fell slightly. Q195 (ASTM A283 Gr.C) common 0.5-2.5*600-645 (rough edge) 493.15, down 1.41. (USD/ton) Read More
30/08 17:17
< On August 30, the price of the hot rolled steel strip in Hangzhou remained stable. 40Cr (ASTM 5140) Yuanli 2.5*145-415mm 556.55. (USD/ton)
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