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Home > Answers > How do some steel suppliers or steel producers in China preserve and deposit stainless steel strips?
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Q: How do some steel suppliers or steel producers in China preserve and deposit stainless steel strips?

10/08/2022 07:27:48 1    answers in: Other
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Stainless steel strip is the strip metal product made of stainless steel material. When choosing a storehouse to keep the product, it should be selected in a clean and tidy place with good drainage, away from factories and mines with harmful gases or dust. The floor should be swept clean of weeds and all debris to maintain the neatness of the steel. Secondly, in the warehouse, stainless steel can not be stacked with acid, alkali, salt and other corrosive materials together. Different varieties of steel should be sorted and stacked to avoid confusion. In particular, we should avoid letting the stainless steel strip come into contact with corrosive objects. In addition, the bins should be selected on the basis of geographical conditions. In most cases, manufacturers will choose closed barns. Finally, the manufacturer will generally inspect the warehouse's environment.

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